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Thursday, 2 June 2016

Marketing Obj and Theory Answers Now Available

1a)Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and
processes for creating, communicating, delivering,
and exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
1b) i)Research function: the research function of
marketing is that function of marketing that enables
you to generate adequate information regarding your
particular market of target.
ii)Buying function: the function of buying
isperformed in order to acquire quality materials for
production. When you design a good product
concept, you should also ensure you're buying the
essential materials for the product.
iii)Product development and management: product
development is an essential function of marketing
since it was the duties of the marketing department
to identify what the market need or want and then
design effective product based on the identified
need and want of the market.
iv)Production function: production is the function
performs by the production department. Though,
this is interrelated to the department of marketing,
because your product must possess the essential
characteristics that can meet the target market
needs and want as identified during your market
research, such characteristics as in your product
Test, Form, Packaging etc.
1c) i)it makes product to be adequately handled
against damaging ii)it involves creating opportunity
for losses iii)it aids product planning and
iv)it collects analysis and interprinting relevant and
reliable data Happy birthday DEMI may you never
lack favour in God you shall grow from strength to
strength Drop ya comments for the rest!!!
7a) Government Market is group of consumers that
consists of local,state and federal authorities. In the
United States, the government market spends the
most money of any other consuming group, and so
presents an attractive marketing target for some
businesses, although it can involve filling out
considerable paperwork and other significant

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