stream match

Monday 10 October 2016

I am willing to cross any line to make the next 30 days of your life hell - Donald Trump Threatens To Jail Hillary Clinton If Elected Next US President

US Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump
issued an unmistakable threat to Hillary Clinton Sunday
night: I am willing to cross any line to make the next 30
days of your life hell.
Capping the most devastating 48 hours of his
presidential campaign, Trump stunned the country on
Sunday by convening a press conference with women
who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct and
calling the former president an abuser of women in a
nationally televised debate.
The Republican presidential nominee’s decision to bring
women from Bill Clinton’s past into the debate both
physically into the debate hall and into his verbal
attacks against Hillary Clinton signaled a remarkably
defiant strategy anchored in some of the most electric
allegations that have been leveled against the Clintons
in their decades in public life.
It also guarantees that in the final, ugly month of the
2016 election, the country’s first female presidential
nominee will be repeatedly subjected to the indignity of
confronting the most painful moments of her marriage in
As Bill Clinton looked on from the front row with his
daughter Chelsea — and with Juanita Broaddrick, who
has accused Clinton of rape, also sitting in the audience
Trump charged that the former president was “abusive to

“There’s never been anybody in the history of politics in
this nation that’s been so abusive to women,” Trump
said. “Bill Clinton was abusive to women.
Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked
them viciously.”
Appearing irritated, and at times even furious, Trump
even claimed that Clinton would be “in jail” if he were
Throughout it all, Clinton showed a remarkable level of
composure throughout the night. And the lines of attack
may not have the impact Trump intended.
A CNN/ORC poll found 57% of debate watchers thought
Clinton won compared to 34% who thought Trump came
out on top. The poll only represents the views of people
who watched the debate and has a slight advantage than
average CNN polls of all Americans.
Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told NBC’s
“Today” on Monday that Trump’s actions and language
are the sign of a “spiraling campaign.”
“Hillary’s steady, she’s strong, she’s not going to get
thrown off her game,” Mook said. “That’s what Donald
Trump tried to do.”
Just hours before the debate began, Trump held a last-
minute press conference featuring women who have
accused Bill Clinton of inappropriate sexual behavior.
Broaddrick looked directly at a small group of reporters
in the room and said: “Actions speak louder than words.
Mr. Trump may have said some bad words but Bill
Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I
don’t think there’s any comparison.”
The spectacle continued even after the debate, with Bill
Clinton’s accusers appearing in the spin room to speak
with reporters.
Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, meanwhile,
told CNN’s Dana Bash she’s been alone with Trump and
he’s been “gracious and a gentleman.”
[Source: Democratic Underground ]

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